Yoga to Tone the Vagus Nerve
This week we will focus on toning the vagus nerve. This description about the vagus nerve below will be a review for some of you: We have...
Yoga to Tone the Vagus Nerve
Gentle Yoga for Strong Bones; Resilience
Gentle Yoga for Balance Inside and Out
Celebrate Maria Elena with a FREE raptor presentation!
InSpirit Yoga with Suzie Hurley
Spring Cleaning: Twists
We're ONLINE ONLY this evening, 3/14!
We're online only on March 12!
Gentle Yoga: Heart Openers; Hospitality
Gentle Yoga: Relax Your Shoulders; Radical Curiosity
Yoga for Balance and Mindful Intentions
Yoga for the Duration
Gentle Yoga for Aging Well
Gentle Yoga for the Sixth Chakra: The Wisdom Chakra
Gentle Yoga for the Fifth Chakra: Throat Chakra; Neck & Vagal Toning
Gentle Yoga for the First Chakra: Grounding and Connection
Let Your Yoga Dance!